Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How to Change Power supply At DVB Receiver Parabola

The first step that must be considered in dealing with the damage to the power supply DVB receiver dish is truly noticed the power supply is needed by the circuit mpg, in because of the needs of different voltages.Remember not to be mistaken for a voltage lines.
The following steps:
First we buy power supply circuit finished / assembled then we skewer needs mpg voltage at the receiver with power supply which earlier.

How to Change Power supply At DVB Receiver Parabola
Due to the socket on the power supply is not the same as the original power supply then we soldering at the bottom of the PCB.
We sequence and observe good voltage needs of each and then we solder one by one.

How to Change Power supply At DVB Receiver Parabola

 after completion of all and we thoroughly re now we try to enter into AC voltage, how did your receiver is normal and can be in use again.
How to Change Power supply At DVB Receiver Parabola